Olivia White

Community project coordinator

After moving back to her hometown of Port Rexton with a completed Bachelor in Business Administration (Honours) and Certificate in Public Policy (Urban and Regional Policy) from Memorial University, Olivia experienced first-hand the housing barriers faced on the peninsula. Her concern over the future of Port Rexton and surrounding area led to the creation of Otter Housing Association. Her passion for her hometown and its future, accompanied with her experience in the tourism industry, has led to her devotion to sustainable rural development.

About Us

Otter Housing Association

Our mandate is to promote access to green affordable housing through planning, development, construction and operation within Newfoundland and Labrador’s rural communities.

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OHA Updates

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    Project Information Session Q&A

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    The following Q&A summarizes our Project Information Session held in October. Thank you again to everyone who attended, followed up, or reached out since. We…

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    CMHC Visit to Port Rexton

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    Back in October, representatives from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) visited Port Rexton and Newfoundland for the first time! They toured communities with…

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    Project Information Session Recap

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    Earlier this month, we hosted our first formal information session, and we were thrilled to have over 40 community members in attendance! We’re excited about…