David Ellis

Operations Director

Originally from the UK, David has had various careers ranging from schoolteacher, computer software engineer, homeopath, university lecturer, tai chi teacher, graphic designer, builder, volunteer firefighter and most recently owner and operator of a vegetarian restaurant/coffee shop in rural Newfoundland. At heart he is a designer and engineer. He has maintained a healthy interest in architecture throughout his life. He is also an ardent environmentalist with interests in ecological building design. These passions came to fruition when the opportunity arose, with his wife, to design and build their own eco-house house in Newfoundland. His interest in building design, social justice issues and awareness of the lack of affordable housing led him to help set up Otter Housing Association.

About Us

Otter Housing Association

Our mandate is to promote access to green affordable housing through planning, development, construction and operation within Newfoundland and Labrador’s rural communities.

The Latest

OHA Updates

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    An Innovative Approach to Addressing Homelessness in Rural NL

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    The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has published a case study about our FCM Planning Grant from 2022. This grant enabled us to gain firsthand…

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    Housing Accelerator Fund Approval!

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    In September 2023, Otter Housing Association submitted an application to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) for the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) on behalf of…

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    2024 AGM

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    On May 4th 2024, Otter Housing Association held its second Annual General Meeting. You can download the Annual Report from our Operations Director below. As…