2024 AGM
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On May 4th 2024, Otter Housing Association held its second Annual General Meeting. You can download the Annual Report from our Operations Director below. As well, a message from Olivia our Community Project Coordinator:
“Thanks everyone for being here! This is becoming my favourite time of the year; it’s exciting to look back at what we’ve accomplished and reflect on our journey. In the last year, we have truly gotten down to business! We started the year with our Planning Grant from FCM which brought us to the UK to visit 9 cohousing communities; these new connections and stories gave us a better sense of what we’re creating in Port Rexton. We built a working relationship with Woodford Architecture who have visited our site, taken our hopes and dreams and produced some initial concept designs; this was the first time we could visualize the housing development on our site. We’ve kicked ass in our interviews and advocacy, from being on CBC’s The Signal, attending the Economic Development Association of NL Conference in Bonavista, the Atlantic Social Impact Exchange Summit in St John’s, and the Lock and Key podcast from The Independent. These events gave us the opportunity to meet Reclaim Community CDO and the Northpine Foundation. We created the Town of PR and OHA Liaison Group as our formal communication with the Town; this has been a successful way to keep us all informed and on the same page. Lastly, we dedicated significant time and effort to three funding applications from CMHC, the province of NL, and Reclaim Community CDO. These applications, which we learned this year, were successful. This is a significant milestone that we can leverage to access additional funding in the years to come.
I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished in the last year. We are a small and mighty team and I’m fulfilled to work for an organization that we’ve built out of love for our home. I love how much we’re learning, how we’re growing, and our commitment to see this project through. Thank you all for your energy and time. Thank you Carrie, Nick, and Jill for guiding and supporting OHA. Thank you David for guiding and supporting me. Working with you has been so meaningful and I truly appreciate all your time and patience showing me the way. This wouldn’t be possible without all of you.”